The use of ladders and step stools
DGUV Information 208-016
People often underestimate the dangers associated with the use of portable ladders and steps. Before using such ladders and steps in an occupational setting, it is therefore important to thoroughly assess and check the possible risks as part of the risk assessment. If there is an increased risk of falling, the intended activities must be carried out from safer work equipment, e.g. rolling scaffolds, lifting platforms or individually adapted special constructions. DGUV (German Social Accident Insurance) Information 208-016 provides explanatory notes on the regulations of the Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health (BetrSichV) on the use of portable ladders and steps. Fixed fixed ladders are not covered. The new version of DGUV Information 208-016 published in August 2022 takes into account all changes to standards in recent years as well as the changes resulting from TRBS 2121 Part 2.