Rescue equipment header image | © MUNK GmbH Rescue equipment header image | © MUNK GmbH

Mobile Containers

If the worst should happen, every second counts.
For maximum safety in operations
Rescue equipment header image | © MUNK GmbH Rescue equipment header image | © MUNK GmbH

Mobile Containers

If the worst should happen, every second counts.
For maximum safety in operations

Mobile containers for every purpose

MUNK Rettungstechnik is one of the leading manufacturers of mobile containers and wheeled transport trolleys with an extraordinary level of quality in order to make a significant contribution to more efficiency and effectiveness in the field. Both standard mobile containers, which are available from stock, and customised mobile containers, which are manufactured individually according to the customer's requirements, are available.

How many mobile containers fit on one lorry?

The number of mobile containers that fit on a vehicle is individual. Depending on the vehicle and the space, from 1 to 15 mobile containers can be loaded on a vehicle. It must be ensured that the permissible total weight of the vehicle is not exceeded. Of course, the dimensions of the mobile containers are also important.

Mobile containers according to AGBF

A guideline issued by the AGBF (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Leiter der Berufsfeuerwehren in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland = Working Group of the Heads of the Professional Fire Departments in the Federal Republic of Germany) is intended to standardise the construction and use of mobile containers in the area of fire services in such a way that accidents, injuries and incorrect handling are prevented as far as possible when using these devices. The technical handling should be simplified, as safe and practicable as possible and meet the needs of the fire brigade. The specifications only describe the basic conditions such as external dimensions and safety devices. This guideline is to be adapted on a regular basis in order to take into account the current state of the art. It does not represent a binding specification, but is only intended to serve as a voluntary guide.