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  • Happy Easter 2022 | © MUNK GmbH

    Happy Easter

    We wish all our customers, partners and employees, including their families, a wonderful Easter and lots of fun with the egg hunt.

  • © MUNK GmbH

    Roll container for Stuttgart airport fire brigade

    A fire involving electric cars in multi-storey car parks poses special challenges for emergency services.
    Together with Stuttgart Airport, we have now been able to implement an interesting project.
    Two hose carts with dead man's brakes were developed for a fire-fighting support vehicle, which can transport up to 500 m of hose plus accessories quickly and efficiently to the scene of the fire.
    A roll container for breathing apparatus and two further roll containers for various equipment of the fire-fighting support vehicle complete the equipment. Because every second counts in case of emergency.


  • Particularly safe and efficient: Liebherr optimises crane assembly

    One innovation leader helps the other and ensures a new dimension in work safety and efficiency: Liebherr, one of the world's leading suppliers of mobile cranes, is now using new platform stairs and work platforms with integrated stairs from Munk Günzburger Steigtechnik at its mobile crane plant in Ehingen (Baden- Württemberg). These not only save the employees in final assembly a lot of time, but also guarantee them maximum safety and enable them to work particularly ergonomically during all assembly activities on the superstructures of the mobile cranes.

  • Boxes for Ukraine Malteser Aid

    Lack of medicines, bad weather and lack of food threatens the refugees in Ukraine and at the borders. Malteser International and Malteser Germany have been at the side of the people since day one of the outbreak of war in Ukraine.

    With more than 50 robust aluminium transport boxes for the safe transport and storage of equipment, food and rations through to medical material, we would like to support the valuable work of Malteser and thus make a small contribution to alleviating the need.


  • Climbing Technology Guide 2022 with digital added value!

    The ideal access technology product can be found particularly quickly off- and online:
    Our new Access Technology Guide 2022 shows how this can be done. 372 pages not only present our standard range of over 2,500 products with all the latest innovations, but it is also more digital than ever before. In addition to the print version of the Climbing Guide 2022, a new, highly functional digital version is also available:


    Now browse and navigate directly online in the digital guidebook

  • © MUNK GmbH

    Top protection for the year 2022

    A plus in work safety thanks to access technology solutions that are well thought out down to the last detail: This is how the technology and innovation leader Munk Günzburger Steigtechnik starts the new year and presents a whole range of brand new products in its 50-page brochure "Innovations 2022" - first and foremost the new assembly platform with stair access or the new "Safety Guard" (SG) variants of the FlexxTower one-person scaffold as well as the rolling and folding scaffolds.