
What is a stepladder?
A stepladder consists of two elements (access section + support section or two access sections) and can stand freely on its own. This is why such ladders are also called free-standing ladder or standing ladder. A Stepladder is accessible either on one or both sides. We offer double-sided ladders made of aluminium, wood or glass-fibre reinforced plastic. A spreader lock prevents the ladder legs from sliding apart. Double-sided ladders are used for many tasks in all kinds of professions and applications. As with other ladder types, there are models with rungs or steps. Our double-sided ladders are optionally also available with castors or with a holding device.
What sizes of stepladders are available?
Ladder sizes
We offer our series-production stepladders with between two and 16 steps (depending on the design and material). The conical design ensures safe standing even at these heights.
What types of stepladders are available?
Stepladder types
Stepladders with single-sided access consist of an access section and a support section. Stepladders with double-sided access feature two ladder elements (climbing legs) with steps or rungs. This is also where the regionally common name double ladder or double stepladder comes from. Stepladders with a platform have a holding device in which a tool tray is usually integrated. Some larger stepladders are equipped with castors for easier transport. In accordance to standards, our stepladders are designed for one person and a maximum load of 150 kg. However, we also offer heavy-duty models that can take loads of up to 250 kg.
How safe are our stepladders?
All our products are tested for our clients in accordance with applicable standards. Safety is the top priority for Günzburger Steigtechnik. In addition, our wide range of step profiles ensures safe standing. With the ladder joint protection, we can protect our customers, as well as preserving the ladder. They are available as a spare part for retrofitting. We can also promise our customers a 15-year warranty for all series-production products.